I’m Jess, an NASM Personal Trainer who specialises in weight-loss transformation,
and getting people stronger.

I studied Music at University, and trained as a primary school teacher, before discovering my passion for training 12 years ago.

When I started, I weighed 21 stone and wore size 28 clothes. I had never been to a gym before. Luckily, I met an incredible personal trainer who helped me lose 8 stone in 12 months. (As featured in Manchester Evening News)

He instilled me with a love of fitness, and gave me a very valuable toolkit for life, which I will be forever grateful for. I hope I can now do the same for you.

I have a passion for helping people discover a new found confidence, a love of fitness and feeling better about themselves in general.

I take a more holistic approach to training, incorporating the physical, emotional,
social and spiritual wellbeing of the person as a whole – not just prescribing ‘diet and exercise’ for the human body. We are not robots! It goes far beyond just training someone in a gym.


Marsha came to me having tried Slimming World for years.

She lost weight successfully, but kept resorting back to old habits and putting the weight back on.  Marsha was sick of this yo-yo dieting and decided to start training with me.  She had never been to a gym before and felt nervous at the idea of all the equipment and people staring at her getting things wrong.

Marsha did have a rough idea of:

  • How to eat to lose weight (but not how to eat and train)
  • Accountability – She met up each week with her group to stay on track

BUT she lacked the key part of sustaining this progress:

  • How to train

The other issue was that Slimming World does not teach you how to eat to support training in the gym.  It’s a very different process.  

When Marsha FINALLY found the missing piece of the puzzle, and combined all three, she made massive progress, kept the weight off, got stronger, knows how to train herself for life and ENJOYS the process.  

Marsha got way better, long-term results because she now knows how to eat AND train.  She can now deadlift 100kg, do push ups, leg press 150kg, and is working towards doing a chin up, dips, and feels fitter, stronger/healthier overall.


Sidney came to me with a great knowledge of training in the gym and how to eat.  She wanted better results though and felt her progress had stalled.  She also struggled to motivate herself to train after long, busy days at work on her feet all day.

Sidney did have a rough idea of:

  • How to train
  • How to eat

BUT she lacked the key part of sustaining this progress:

  • Accountability (and motivation)

By having regular sessions booked in, together with weekly check ins and a proper programme that she looked forward to, Sidney began to see results, enjoy the process and train on her own too!  

Her energy levels improved and it also took a weight off her mind that she doesn’t have to think too much – she just turns up for her sessions and works hard, knowing that everything is take care of for her AND she will keep progressing.  She also has her coach for support on days she doesn’t feel motivated (but that is now a rare occurrence!).


My Mission:

Sidney came to me with a great knowledge of training in the gym and how to eat.  She wanted better results though and felt her progress had stalled.  She also struggled to motivate herself to train after long, busy days at work on her feet all day.

Sidney did have a rough idea of:

  • How to train
  • How to eat

BUT she lacked the key part of sustaining this progress:

  • Accountability (and motivation)

By having regular sessions booked in, together with weekly check ins and a proper programme that she looked forward to, Sidney began to see results, enjoy the process and train on her own too!  

Her energy levels improved and it also took a weight off her mind that she doesn’t have to think too much – she just turns up for her sessions and works hard, knowing that everything is take care of for her AND she will keep progressing.  She also has her coach for support on days she doesn’t feel motivated (but that is now a rare occurrence!).


Lucy was a busy project manager and was tired of trying again and again to stick to the gym and stick to her diet.  She had only used cardio equipment before, and done excessive calorie counting, which caused her to have a terrible relationship with food.  She wanted to finally lose weight and keep it off for good.  She also had a few health problems/injuries which she wanted to resolve.  She knew she wanted to lift weights, as she had heard it was good for her health, but wasn’t sure where to begin.  Lucy was often too tired/busy to go to the gym and also lacked motivation/confidence.  Lucy needed help.

Lucy knew:

  • What to eat, but felt overwhelmed with all the conflicting information out there
  • How to train (cardio only)

BUT she lacked these key part of sustaining this progress:

  • How to eat sustainably
  • How to train sustainably
  • Accountability & motivation

Lucy soon loved her new found lifestyle of eating well and training less.  She prioritised her sleep and began to see big changes.  She loved lifting weights and felt so much better about herself – it gave her confidence both in and out of the gym.  Her results began to show which motivated her even further.  Lucy now can’t imagine a life without training, and knows exactly how to use all the gym equipment, including the freeweights section herself.  She also knows how to eat properly to support her training.  Her injuries and pains/aches are also now a distant memory.


Lucy was a busy project manager and was tired of trying again and again to stick to the gym and stick to her diet.  She had only used cardio equipment before, and done excessive calorie counting, which caused her to have a terrible relationship with food.  She wanted to finally lose weight and keep it off for good.  She also had a few health problems/injuries which she wanted to resolve.  She knew she wanted to lift weights, as she had heard it was good for her health, but wasn’t sure where to begin.  Lucy was often too tired/busy to go to the gym and also lacked motivation/confidence.  Lucy needed help.

Lucy knew:

  • What to eat, but felt overwhelmed with all the conflicting information out there
  • How to train (cardio only)

BUT she lacked these key part of sustaining this progress:

  • How to eat sustainably
  • How to train sustainably
  • Accountability & motivation

Lucy soon loved her new found lifestyle of eating well and training less.  She prioritised her sleep and began to see big changes.  She loved lifting weights and felt so much better about herself – it gave her confidence both in and out of the gym.  Her results began to show which motivated her even further.  Lucy now can’t imagine a life without training, and knows exactly how to use all the gym equipment, including the freeweights section herself.  She also knows how to eat properly to support her training.  Her injuries and pains/aches are also now a distant memory.

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